게시물 목록
연사 소속기관 국적 초청기간 세미나 주제
Meihua Piao Peking Union Medical College 중국 2022-10-14 Pressure Ulcer Nursing Intervention and Verification Using Clinical Data Warehouse
Barbara Mayer Stanford Medical Center 미국 2022-10-14 The Evidence-Based Practice Center: Building Improvement Capability at the Bedside
April Oh National Cancer Institute 미국 2022-10-14 Advancing Health Equity through Implementation Science: Moving Our Evidence Base into Action for All
Eun-Ok Im Emory University 미국 2022-10-14 Nursing Science and Translational Research: The Raison D'etre
최남희 서울내러티브연구소 대한민국 2022-09-28 Why nursing.. What is nursing..?
김수미 자기돌봄과 통합연구소 대한민국 2022-09-14 마음의 구조: 그림자
서은영 서울대학교 간호대학 대한민국 2022-08-18 간호학 질적연구 동향과 MAXQDA를 활용한 질적자료분석법
Soyoung Suh Dartmouth College 미국 2022-07-14 Gender and Health in East Asia, 1600-1900
Van Park University of Tennessee, Knoxville College of Nursing 미국 2022-07-13 COVID-19 Effects on the Mental and Physical Health of AAPI Survey Study II (COMPASS II)
Soyoung Suh Dartmouth College 미국 2022-06-30 Stories Matter: Medicine and Healing in the Margins