학술게시판: 학술대회

게시물 목록
No. 제목 날짜 조회수
공지 『학술게시판: 학술대회』 안내 첨부파일이 있는 게시물 2021-05-06 / 2856 2021-05-06 2856
74 [참여대학원생 최지혜] 한국아동간호학회 하계학술대회 (2023) 2024-02-19 | Hit 296 2024-02-19 296
73 [참여대학원생 정진선] 대한의료정보학회 추계학술대회 (2023) 2024-02-19 | Hit 292 2024-02-19 292
72 [참여대학원생 이지향] The 14th International Nursing Conference (2023) 2024-02-19 | Hit 413 2024-02-19 413
71 [참여대학원생 이지향] The 14th International Nursing Conference (2023) 2024-02-19 | Hit 268 2024-02-19 268
70 [참여대학원생 이지향] Sigma’s 34th International Nursing Research Congress (2023) 2024-02-19 | Hit 269 2024-02-19 269
69 [참여대학원생 이지향] The 44th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (20... 2024-02-19 | Hit 254 2024-02-19 254
68 [참여대학원생 이지향] The 26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (2023) 2024-02-19 | Hit 263 2024-02-19 263
67 [참여대학원생 이지향] The 26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (2023) 2024-02-19 | Hit 286 2024-02-19 286
66 [참여대학원생 안중근] The 14th International Nursing Conference (2023) 2024-02-19 | Hit 473 2024-02-19 473