학술게시판: 논문

게시물 목록
No. 제목 날짜 조회수
공지 『학술게시판: 논문』 안내 2021-10-20 / 659 2021-10-20 659
72 [참여대학원생 최지혜] Factors Affecting Dyslipidemia among Korean Adolescents: An Analysis Using the 8th Kore... 2024-02-27 | Hit 415 2024-02-27 415
71 [참여대학원생 최기원] Similarities and Differences of Interventions to Promote Physical and Psychological Hea... 2024-02-27 | Hit 319 2024-02-27 319
70 [참여대학원생 최기원] Correlation of health-related quality of life for older adults with diabetes mellitus i... 2024-02-27 | Hit 342 2024-02-27 342
69 [참여대학원생 이지향] Scoping Review of Measures of Comorbidities in Heart Failure 2024-02-27 | Hit 293 2024-02-27 293
68 [참여대학원생 이지향] Relationship between comorbidity and health outcomes in patients with heart failure: A ... 2024-02-27 | Hit 257 2024-02-27 257
67 [참여대학원생 이다연] Nursing students’ learning flow, self-efficacy and satisfaction in virtual clinical sim... 2024-02-27 | Hit 282 2024-02-27 282
66 [참여대학원생 이다연] A concept analysis of fear of falling in older adults: insights from qualitative resear... 2024-02-27 | Hit 287 2024-02-27 287
65 [참여대학원생 안중근] 국내 문제음주자 대상 비약물적 중재 프로그램의 효과: 체계적 문헌고찰 및 메타분석 2024-02-27 | Hit 336 2024-02-27 336
64 [참여대학원생 안중근] 한국어판 환자의 공격성 및 폭력성 관리에 대한 간호사의 태도 측정도구(K-MAVAS)의 심리계량적 속성 2024-02-27 | Hit 420 2024-02-27 420