학술게시판: 논문

[참여대학원생 이진선] Estimating Unmet Demand for Integrated Nursing and Care Service and Its Corresponding Beds: Directions for Nursing Policy to Improve Health Equity

2022-02-07l 조회수 507
Yi J, Kim J. Estimating Unmet Demand for Integrated Nursing and Care Service and Its Corresponding Beds: Directions for Nursing Policy to Improve Health Equity. J Korean Acad Nurs Adm. 2021 Dec;27(5):443-454. https://doi.org/10.11111/jkana.2021.27.5.443


This study aimed to estimate the unmet demand for INCS and the number of needed beds for fulfillment.

Annual data from the Korea Health Panel (2015~2018), Health Insurance Statistical Yearbook (2015~2019), and published statistical data (2015~2019) were used. To measure the unmet demand, the utilization of informal nursing care services, which can be a market substitute for INCS, was used. The number of needed beds was calculated by dividing the demand by the bed occupancy rate multiplied by 365 days.

The unmet demand decreased every year and was estimated to be 31~47 million person-day as of 2019. It was the highest in Gyeonggi (6~8 million) and the lowest in Jeju (160~220 thousand), while the fulfilled rate was the highest in Incheon (52~61%) and the lowest in Jeonbuk (6~8%). For each type, general hospitals showed the highest unmet demand (6~10 million), followed by hospitals (5~8 million) and tertiary hospitals (4~7 million). Gyeonggi province (37,212~48,882) and general hospitals (54,955~70,962) were most needed additional INCS beds.

Tailored bed expansion strategies are necessary to satisfy each region's and hospital’s demand. Considering the multi-layered causes of unmet demand, a healthcare system reform that increases the regional self-sufficiency of INCS is required.

Keywords: Integrated nursing and care service; Unmet healthcare demand; Unmet need; Healthcare disparities; Health services research