학술게시판: 논문

[참여대학원생 나성실] Screening effects of the national health screening program on developmental disorders

2021-10-20l 조회수 703
Rah SS, Hong SB, Yoon JY†. Screening effects of the national health screening program on developmental disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2021;51(7):2461-2474. doi:10.1007/s10803-020-04712-z


As the prevalence of developmental disorders (DDs) has increased, many OECD countries provide a national screening examination for early detection and intervention for DDs. This study examined effects of the National Health Screening Program in Korea. 65,334 children (39%) were DD-screened and 35,466 children (21%) received a false negative among the 167,050 study subjects. The DD-screened rate had increased from 3208 (27.2%) in 2008 to 8471 (47.3%) in 2012, then decreased to 5544 (29.8%) in 2017. Changes in the false negative rates increased from 2.7% in 2008 to 23.8% in 2017 were one of the most influential factors in these fluctuations. The DD-screened rate was influenced by demo-geographic and economic factors as well as by age-related characteristics of the subconditions.

Keywords: Child; Developmental disabilities; Diagnostic screening programs; Epidemiologic studies; Infant