학술게시판: 학술대회

[참여대학원생 장아람] The 13th International Nursing Research Conference(2020) Jang, A. R., Sagong, H., Bae, E. J., Park, H. N., Won, C. W., & Yoon, J. Y.

2021-05-06l 조회수 672
Jang, A. R., Sagong, H., Bae, E. J., Park, H. N., Won, C. W., & Yoon, J. Y. (2020, September 22). Social factors affecting improvement of frailty in community-dwelling older adults using Korean Frailty and Aging Cohort Study [Poster session]. The 13th International Nursing Research Conference - A New Era of Nursing Education: Challenges and Opportunities, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

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