학술게시판: 논문

[참여대학원생 김애리] 미국 환자사정도구(OASIS) 개정 사례를 통한 포스트코로나 시대의 가정간호 환자사정 동향 파악

2024-02-27l 조회수 192
황진경, 이하나, 김애리, 우경미. (2023). 미국 환자사정도구(OASIS) 개정 사례를 통한 포스트코로나 시대의 가정간호 환자사정 동향 파악. 가정간호학회지, 30(1), 105-114, 10.22705/jkashcn.2023.30.1.105


This study aimed to comprehensively analyze the recent revision of the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS)-D to version E in the United States to identify the most recent trends in home health care and provide suggestions for implementing home health care in Korea.

This study is a comprehensive literature review. We compared all items in OASIS-D and OASIS-E and identified the most significant changes. Additionally, we have discussed the context in depth.

The addition of items related to health literacy and medication reconciliation, strengthening assessment in the cognitive and mood domains, and improving items related to pain assessment were identified. These major revisions resulted from a greater emphasis in the healthcare field on social determinants of health. Additionally, the COVID-19 outbreak highlighted the importance of monitoring and managing the symptoms of home care patients in the community.

The key items of the OASIS amendment and their background analysis proposed in this study could serve as a cornerstone for the revision of home health care assessment tools or the development of systematic common assessment tools in Korea.