학술게시판: 논문

[참여대학원생 김잔디] An integrative review of sexuality and mental health

2021-10-20l 조회수 543
Kim J, Ryu JG, Oh S, Shin Y†. An integrative review of sexuality and mental health. Perspectives in Nursing Science, 2021;18(1):16-27. doi:10.16952/pns.2021.18.1.16.


Purpose: Sexuality is a fundamental element of human life and is closely related to mental health. This study was conducted to understand domestic research trends on gender, mental health, and psychological well-being through an integrated review. Methods: Through four domestic databases, 15 papers were finally selected using the search terms 'sex', 'mental health', and 'psychological well-being'. Results: Fifteen papers have been published since 2000 and 10 documents have been published since 2010. A majority of the studies were basic research and reviews, and these included four qualitative studies. Depending on the subject, we classified five articles into three themes by the developmental stages (youth, married women, and the elderly), eight sexual minority studies, and two other studies (right to sexual self-determination, and dating for people with disabilities). Conclusion: A more open social concern and approach to sex, the most basic human need, is warranted. The field of nursing practice requires more attention.

Keywords: Sexuality; Mental health; Psychological wellbeing; Sexual minority
키워드: 성; 정신건강; 심리적 안녕감; 성소수자;