학술게시판: 논문

[참여대학원생 김가혜] Concept analysis of well-dying in Korean society

2021-10-20l 조회수 639
Kim G, Park Y-H†. Concept analysis of well-dying in Korean society. Journal of Muscle and Joint Health. 2020;27(3):229-237. doi:10.5953/JMJH.2020.27.3.229


This paper aims to clarify the concept of well-dying in the sociocultural context of Korea. Methods: Walker and Avant’s method was chosen for the concept analysis. Through a literature review of 36 papers, the attributes and definition of well-dying were derived. Results: The literature revealed that in Korean society, well-dying is defined as the process of actively preparing for death throughout life. The attributes of the concept are a reflection on death, death acceptance, searching for meaning, transcendence, advance decision-making, and sharing values with family. The motivation for thinking about death, the hope of dying with dignity, and the Korean cultural view of death precede the concept, followed by dying with dignity, personal and family happiness, and improved quality of life and death. Conclusion: This study may lead to the unification of concept use based on mutual understanding, thus enabling effective communication in research, education, and clinical settings. This can be the rationale for the development of tools and educational programs as well as establishing policies related to well-dying in Korea.

Keywords: Advance care planning; Attitude to death; Death; Right to die; Quality of life
키워드: 사전의료계획; 죽음태도; 죽음; 죽을 권리; 삶의 질